Monday, October 18, 2010

Classroom Fun

Magical Fun with the Magician!

To celebrate Amanda's birthday, a magician came and showed everyone a wonderful time!
He even magically made a cute, tiny, grey bunny appear from his hat! :)

As you can see below, there were lots of laughs!

Hope you had an amazing birthday, Amanda!
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Happy Birthday, Mr. Bradley!

On October 7th, we celebrated Mr. Bradley's birthday!

Everyone got to enjoy some delicious chocolate cake!
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meet Ms. Glenn

We would like you to meet Ms. Glenn, our student teacher. She is great, and we love her already! Ms. Glenn is teaching us handwriting!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Morning Suprise!!

Mrs. Banks found this snake in her office this morning! She brought it to me, and we took a trip outside to "free" it from the sticky pad! He is alive and in one of our new tanks! No name for it yet, but as soon as we come up with a name, I will let you know!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Science Experiment!

Check out the experiment we tried today with Mrs. Waldrop's 5th grade! We had so much could say it was a BLAST!